Installing pnpm
On Windows
Using PowerShell:
Invoke-WebRequest -UseBasicParsing | Invoke-Expression
On POSIX systems
curl -fsSL | sh -
If you don’t have curl installed, you would like to use wget:
wget -qO- | sh -
In a Docker container
wget -qO- | ENV="$HOME/.bashrc" SHELL="$(which bash)" bash -
wget -qO- | ENV="$HOME/.shrc" SHELL="$(which sh)" sh -
wget -qO- | ENV="$HOME/.dashrc" SHELL="$(which dash)" dash -
Using npm
npm install -g pnpm
npm install -g @pnpm/exe
Using Homebrew
brew install pnpm
Using winget
winget install -e --id pnpm.pnpm
To starts local dev server at localhost:3000
pnpm dev
Production build
Background run server
To run pnpm
in the background using nohup
nohup pnpm preview > output.log 2>&1 &
Stop server
Using lsof (If the Server Port is Known)
lsof -i :3000
is the port that started the server
Once you get the PID:
kill <PID>
Updating pnpm
pnpm self-update
Uninstalling pnpm
Removing the pnpm CLI
If you used the standalone script to install pnpm, then you should be able to uninstall the pnpm CLI by removing the pnpm home directory: rm -rf $PNPM_HOME If you used npm to install pnpm, then you should use npm to uninstall pnpm: npm rm -g pnpm
Removing the global content-addressable store
rm -rf $(pnpm store path)
If you used pnpm in non-primary disks, then you must run the above command in every disk, where pnpm was used. pnpm creates one store per disk.